With the training in The 2022 Premium Computer Science Career Path Certification Bundle ($39.99, over 90 percent off, from TNW Deals), students with all levels of programming knowledge can get a handle on computer science and the steps needed to get started on a lucrative career becoming one of the important few who know what all that data actually means. The collection includes 9 courses with almost 90 hours of training for a comprehensive computer science education without running up the massive debt needed to nab a computer science degree from a 4-year university. Any career in computer science starts with knowing the language — and with the Python coding language at the center of most computer science disciplines these days, the PCEP: Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer Certification Prep Course is a solid introduction to the ins and outs of using Python. Meanwhile, the package also features a pair of courses to get users up to speed in using both Java and JavaScript as well. Further training leads students down various paths, including computer science theory learning like statistical analysis through hypothesis testing as well as understanding probability and how to start making accurate predictions based on your numbers. There’s also a handful of hard skills training too, featuring background in using SQL for database management, Spark for large scale data processing, and TensorFlow, a deep learning app that can help train computers to think and act on their own. There’s even a Raspberry Pi For Beginners Complete Course here featuring hands-on step-by-step training in using versatile Pi microcomputer to automate even more of your processes. Each course in The 2022 Premium Computer Science Career Path Certification Bundle is valued at $200 on its own, but as part of this collection, each is available here for less than $5 at just $39.99. Prices are subject to change