In this age of nostalgia and retro gaming, few consoles still hold the magic and allure of the granddaddy of modern handheld gaming, the Nintendo Gameboy. During the 90s, it was the undisputed king, selling over 118 million units and still holding the distinction as the third best-selling console of all time. For those with a soft spot for 8-bit gaming, this Handheld 3” LCD Video Game Console ($24.99, 58 percent off, from TNW Deals) should more than scratch that itch. Based on the classic design on the Gameboy, this game console comes absolutely packed, loaded up with a whopping 400 games stuffed inside its tiny, but mighty digital innards. That’s too long a list to run through and spotlight every game, but suffice it to say, if you used to play it on a Gameboy, there’s a good chance it comes preloaded with this system. Whether you’ve never touched a handheld console like this before or you’ve still got muscle memory responses to the thrill of a device like this in your hands, this powerful little beast really satisfies. Game action is fluid, supported by a set of quick, responsive buttons working in tandem with the crisp 3-inch LCD screen. Meanwhile, you can also play with friends in the ultra-useful two player mode, hook up another external controller, or connect the unit via AV cable right to your living room TV to play all your games on your massive 65-inch screen at home. The console is fully USB-rechargeable with a battery capable of supporting up to 8 hours of gameplay on a single charge. With all that battery life, coupled with that laundry list of games, players can be jumping, shooting, punching, and running to their heart’s content all day long, all while marveling at how much fun 8-bit gaming can really be. The original GameBoy was $89.99 when it debuted back in 1989, which makes the $24.99 price for this Handheld 3” LCD Video Game Console over 30 years later even more remarkable. With the holidays right around the corner, it’d be a perfect stocking stuffer for that dedicated gamer or today or yesterday. Prices are subject to change