The web is full of surprises for the uninitiated. If you want to build a website, it’s pretty simple logic to assume you can just get one of those website building apps or services, build your site and you’re off and running. But wait…once you’ve built your site, where do all of those graphics and other assorted web mechanics actually live so your audience out in the blogiverse can visit them? For your website to be reachable to anyone but yourself, you need to enlist the aid of one of those sneaky hidden web costs, the web host. And with even the cheapest hosting services charging about $3 a month, you can see how that can start adding up over the months and years. You can instead birth your site with a much simpler, one-time-only fee with a Boxne SSD Hosting Lite lifetime plan for only $39.99, an over 80 percent savings off the regular price. Boxne offers all the service capabilities and protection any site owner needs. Your site along with all of its assets are saved and available through Boxne’s 100 percent SSD storage-based servers. Those servers are located in data centers manned with 24/7 personnel, backup generators and a host of vital protections, even including fire safeguards. Your site is not only safe behind physical and digital walls of dedicated security precautions, it’s also well maintained. Boxne’s systems automatically monitor and shift load balance based on your traffic levels, so your site will be up and accessible 99.99 percent of the time. Meanwhile, the Boxne Lite plan allows you virtually unlimited resources, including unlimited storage space, and unlimited bandwidth. You can even build add-on sub-domains should your project start to grow, all at no extra cost. On top of all those features, the most appealing one might be the one-time fee that makes sure you never have to worry about paying monthly web hosting charges over the lifetime of your server. A Boxne Lite hosting plan is a $239 value, but you can knock almost $200 off that price right now with this limited time offer. Prices are subject to change.