My school education was in my native language, Gujarati. So, my formal introduction to English was much later in my education. In effect, I have never studied Shakespeare or any of ‘classic’ English literature. Harry Potter was one of the first English novels I read, and I really appreciate those stories that got me reading more books. I even indulged in Harry Potter related games and spent countless hours on Pottermore. So today, I decided to dedicate or include some Potter-based entertainment for you:
Harry Potter’s author, JK Rowling, has launched a new website called Harry Potter at home, with tons of activities and quizzes. The first book of the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, is available on Audible, narrated by Stephen Fry. The Office’s John Krasinski has a new show on YouTube called Some Good News, a compilation of crowdsourced feel-good news sent to the actor.
Humble is offering some great games under its Conquer COVID-19 bundle.
Video of the day
Just watch it.
Meme of the day
Expecto Patronum. Bye