Sales are often centered on cold, hard facts. How much do you charge? Are you offering a savings over your competitors? Do your terms work for my needs? But just as often, possibly even more often, sales come down to the intangibles of human relationships. Is there a rapport? Are you listening and understanding my needs? Do I trust you and your offer? The Complete Sales Hacker Diploma Bundle ($19.99, over 90 percent off from TNW Deals) focuses on sharpening the human relation skills that not only close sales, but open the door to more sales and even better business relationships. Across 10 courses including more than 45 hours of content, this comprehensive package covers techniques for delivering an effective sales pitch as well as understanding a potential customer’s verbal and non-verbal cues to ultimately close that sale. Modules in this package will help students decode sales jargon, organize elements for a strong sales presentation and turn leads into interested, then paying customers. The training focuses on building skills tied to sales success, like reading body language, the art of negotiation and tactics for finally getting your sale closed with a happy customer. By the time you’re through all 10 courses, you’ll be armed with the knowledge you need to become a top earner in any sales arena. A $499 value, this entire collection is on sale now at over 90 percent off the regular price, only $19.99 while this offer lasts. Prices are subject to change. You can’t beat free! Get $70+ worth of premium Mac apps for free today!